Monday, February 16, 2015

2 weeks being HOME

I have to brag.....on YOU!  From the very beginning of this journey we have been immensely blessed by all your encouragement and support.  It's amazing to hear from each of you through text, facebook and calling.  You have all given Annabelle her space and respected the time she needs to find out what an incredible creation she is.  She does well with short visits so please feel free to text/call if you would like to come by and see her.

During the week, we have been keeping ourselves home most of the time.  We may venture out to the store or to Taco Bell for dinner....yes I'm slowly starting to cook.  Mona Jimerson hooked us up with some AMAZING frozen meals that have kept us going. THANK YOU!

We made it through 2 church services and everyone at Alpine has been incredible towards her.  She gives out a lot of 'high fives' and is observing how much her church family loves her.  I PROMISE once we get her acclimated we will be visiting our family at South Main soon!!

Part of being on this journey is sharing.  I feel it's important to share with you some of the hard times and the good times.  We have days where we take two HUGE steps forward and we have days where we take a small step back.  We are making progress and I can say considering everything she is doings very very well.  The attachment boundaries and prayers are helping her find security.  We are seeing her over time discover this beautiful human being that has been inside her this whole time.  She is learning how to be independent and love the skin she's in.  The hard days are when she does not want any boundaries and grieves what she has "lost".  Even thought we all know how much better our current circumstances are, she still sometimes sees it as we took her away from everything she, clothes, atmosphere, people, language etc.  The grieving time is becoming fewer and fewer and we realize this will be something she will always have as part of who she is.  We are very proud to have a daughter from China and she will grow up hearing that from us.  I wouldn't change a hair on her head and am SO very glad she was put on this Earth.  We know she is a perfect peace to our family puzzle.

What we're learning about our girl:
She is a girly girl (YAY!!!!!!!!)
She LOVES having her hair done
She let me flat iron her hair and would have me do it all day
She LOVES to brush her teeth (combined with her mommy singing a corny song)
She loves to pick out her bows
She loves to pick out glittery shirts
She's finding an obsession with shoes (oh dear)
Taking a bath is still the highlight of her day
Her favorite food is any kind of fruit.  Thank goodness for the Magic Bullet where we can mix fresh fruit!
She loves to sing!
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is her favorite and she can sing about half of it in English now
She understands a LOT more English than she has led us to believe.....
Which brings me to she is incredibly smart and has already learned how to get her way
Her brothers called her a diva (I said YES of course she's my daughter!)
She adores her brothers and follows them around the house
She loves Satchey as long as she stays in the front room with the baby gate
She does NOT care about the tv
She is getting a LOT more mobile in her walking, bending and climbing.

****This post is dedicated to Phyllis Ashby for her Annabelle fix ;)

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